Meet the Players

Player 1: Anthony

My lifelong passion for gaming began when I was quite young. My parents bought a NES along with Super Mario Bros. and Duck Hunt at  garage sale and I was hooked. Since then, video games have provided me with countless opportunities to make new friends and bond with my family. I have grown to appreciate gaming across just about every platform and genre, although I have certainly  found a preference for gaming on my PC and Nintendo consoles. I love to explore the rich worlds and characters games have to offer, and I am looking forward to sharing my gaming experiences through Games & Grinds!

As for cooking, growing up in a Polish-American family taught me to love and appreciate some of the heaviest forms of cuisine. My family’s staples were served in the form of traditional Polish dishes such as pierogi, sauerkraut, and golabki. Aspen has shared her love of cooking with me and provided plenty of inspiration to expand my culinary horizons. I’m willing to try just about any style of dish, especially when paired with the right beer.

Favorite Ingredients: Garlic, Cumin, Coconut Oil, Chili Powder, Dill

Favorite Video Games: The Legend of Zelda Series, Half-Life 2, Civ 5, and Red Dead Redemption

Player 2: Aspen 

I was born and raised in Texas and grew up in a family that loved our traditional Texas recipes.  In high school I started working for a BBQ joint and decided to keep the momentum going and major in Restaurant, Hotel, and Institutional Management at Texas Tech.  During college I had the opportunity to refine my cooking skills through several culinary arts classes, waiting tables and a bit of bartending, and our at-home cooking sessions.  Cooking is a huge hobby for me now, and I’m excited to share what I know and what I’m still learning with y’all!

My love of video games will be forever tied back to my Sega Genesis, which I still have at my parent’s house.  I grew up playing mainly Disney games, Crazy Taxi, Dance Dance Revolution, and Guitar Hero.  When I started dating Anthony my interests grew to more of the traditional games, particularly with Nintendo.

Favorite Ingredients: Rosemary, Chili Powder, Red Pepper Flakes, Green Bell Pepper

Favorite Video Games: The Lion King for Sega Genesis, Little Big Planet Series

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