What’s on the menu for 2020 gaming? Part 3

Our first blog series for 2020 is a brief look forward at what we can expect to sate our gaming appetites in 2020. We’ll be covering 15 games over the next 3 days, with a focus on games releasing for PC and the Nintendo Switch since that’s what we currently have to play. Rest assured however, we’ve found a fun mix of mainstream and eclectic selections to keep an eye on as the calendar marches on. Here’s Part 3!

Animal Crossing: New Horizons

Developer: Nintendo
Release Date: March 20, 2020
Genre: Social Sim
Platform: Switch

It’s been nearly 12 long years since we’ve had a proper Animal Crossing on a home console, and New Horizons looks to bring back the same adorable formula with a few twists. We’ll get more control of our village than ever with the ability to place villagers’ homes, build true paths, expanded character customization… the list goes on. Add in split screen co-op AND the ability to invite up to 7 friends to your island and it seems to be everything us AC fans have wanted for over a decade. Expect long sessions in a tropical Games & Grinds paradise come March 20th.

Half Life: Alyx

Developer: Valve
Release Date: March 2020
Genre: VR First Person Shooter
Platform: PC

Every time I watch the trailer for Half Life: Alyx I can hear my wallet sob for a while. I’ve managed to keep my interest in vr to a minimum out of self preservation more than anything. However, Half-Life is one of my favorite gaming franchises of all time. I have the strider fights of HL2 burned into memory forever. I’m only so strong, and I can only hold out for so long. So long as the reviews show it’s playable with the most budgeted of vr-builds I will find a way to make it work.

Ori and the Will of the Wisps

Developer: Moon Studios
Release Date: February 11, 2020
Genre: Adventure-Platformer
Platform: PC, Xbox One

Will of the Wisp’s predecessor was one of the most fluid and gorgeous platformers of recent memory. Ori returns with a collection of abilities to collect and upgrade via the new streamlined shard system, and the visuals more colorful and whimsical than a Willy-Wonka nightmare. I seem to end up playing one good Metroidvania-style game a year, and Ori looks the likely candidate for 2020.

Hindsight 20/20 – Wrath of the Raakshasa

Developer: Triple-I Games
Release Date: Q2 2020
Genre: Action-Adventure
Platform: PC, PlayStation 4, Xbox One

Hindsight 20/20 is garnering quite a bit of indie attention this year, and for good reason. The game will feature morality-based gameplay where every decision you make garners a reaction you need to deal with. Every action is recorded, so if you slice and dice your way through levels you can expect your reputation to precede you as townsfolk lock their doors as you pass. Likewise, play a peaceful game and people may be helpful, but expect a few of those enemies you showed mercy to come back to bite. Designed around replayability, a scrapbook of memories showcases your decisions so you can learn from each mistake you make along the way. It’s a choose your own adventure book come to life in the best ways and I can’t wait to play it.

DOOM Eternal

Developer: id Software, Panic Button Games
Release Date: March 20, 2020
Genre: First Person Shooter
Platform: PC, Switch, PlayStation 4, Xbox One

DOOM 2016 is still high on the list of backlog games I need to wrap up. I’ve still played enough to know it’s one of the most smooth and gratifying shooting experiences of the past decade. It’s a series that clearly knows what makes its games fun to play, and executes on those elements about as well as any fan could ask. Just look at the trailer above, in what game other than DOOM can you sum up the story with a super soldier with a chainsaw facing down a cyber demon from hell with a flaming axe?

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